Canopy  1.0
The header-only random forests library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NcanopyNamespace containing the canopy library for random forest models
 CcircularRegressorImplements a random forest classifier model to predict a circular-valued output label
 CclassifierImplements a random forest classifier model to predict a discrete output label
 CdefaultParameterGeneratorA simple parameter generator functor for training forest models
 CdiscreteDistributionA distribution that defines the probabilities over a number of discrete (integer-valued) class labels
 CrandomForestBaseBase class for random forests models from which all specific models are derived using CRTP
 CderivedProxyProxy for the derived class
 CnodeNode structure - represents one node in a tree
 CscoreInternalIndexStructStructure for holding information about a data sample and its feature score
 CtreeTree structure - represents a single tree
 CvonMisesDistributionA distribution that defines the probabilities over a circular-valued label
 CvonMisesKappaFunctorA functor object to work with Eigen's non-linear solver to numerically solve for the kappa parameter of a von Mises distribution