Canopy  1.0
The header-only random forests library
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 circularRegressor.hppContains declaration of the canopy::circularRegressor class
 circularRegressor.tppContains implementations of the methods of the canopy::circularRegressor class
 classifier.hppContains the declaration of the canopy::classifier class
 classifier.tppContains implementations of the methods of the canopy::classifier class
 defaultParameterGenerator.hppContains declaration of the canopy::defaultParameterGenerator class
 discreteDistribution.hppContains the canopy::discreteDistribution class, which is the node and output distribution for the classifier
 randomForestBase.hppContains the declaration of the canopy::randomForestBase class
 randomForestBase.tppContains implementations of the methods of the canopy::randomForestBase class
 vonMisesDistribution.hppContains the canopy::vonMisesDistribution class, which is the node and output distribution for the canopy::circularRegressor
 vonMisesKappaFunctor.hppContains declaration of the canopy::vonMisesKappaFunctor struct, used for numerically solving for the kappa parameter of the von Mises distribution